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Welcome to the ONLINE CACAO CELEBRATION. The Zoom link will be sent by email 30 minutes before the session.


online and for free | with Ángel in English

Saturday 22.02. 2025 | 9:00 - 9:45 am CET

celebrate superfood

Welcome to the ONLINE CACAO CELEBRATION with Munay Meditation. 

With the fantastic Pachamama Cacao from Peru, we celebrate you, the present group and life in general. Ángel from SONQO will guide you through the Cacao Celebration. You will experience the food of the gods and the original power of chocolate.

To start the day, we activate the harmony of our three existential bodies «Body, Heart and Sou»l - the living unity of this trinity is the source of wisdom and pleasure - try it out!

Ángel Herrera

is from Cisco Peru. With his travel agency Travel & Healing, he takes people from all over the world on group trips to the Andes and the jungle to practise original rituals. Together with his partner Aline Feichtinger he founded SONQO. Together, they inspire people around the world with their inclusive circular culture. Where cacao comes from, they organize regenerative Syntropic Jungle Care projects. 

Order your Pachamama Cacao 

SONQO's Pachamama Cacao is wild harvested, processed by hand with love, fermented under the light of the sun, moon and stars in the open air and dried, vegan, gluten-free and with no added sugar. 

Your code for a one-time order with 10% discount for 1-9 boxes of 2x 300gr Pachamama Cacao (regular box) is


Order your Pachamama Cacao by 11:30 am on Thursday and have it delivered to your home in Switzerland by Friday: sonqo.shop

(In Germany and the EU we cannot guarantee delivery by Saturday).


The ONLINE CACAO CELEBRATION is free of charge and on a voluntary collection basis if you would like to support the Circular Culture of SONQO. 

A voluntary collection can be made via QR code with Twint (CH, Paypal (EU), or Credit Card (CH & EU):


SONQO's Pachamama Cacao is wild-harvested, processed by hand with love, fermented under the light of the sun, moon and stars in the open air and dried, vegan, gluten-free and with no added sugar. 

1 >> For the celebration, dissolve 20 grams of chopped Pachamama Cacao (2 tablespoons) in a cup of hot water. Stir until creamy and if you like, add date juice, honey, cinnamon or other mild spices to taste. 

2 >> You also bring three leaves of a plant or otherwise three nuts or three dried berries to the celebration.

YES - I would like to experience the ONLINE CACAO CELEBRATION with Ángel. I register CONVENTIONALLY:


Please be in the Zoom waiting room at least 5 minutes before.

>> Your video must be switched on. If you do not turn on the video, you will have to leave the Zoom meeting. You can also turn on the sound at the start.

if you are registering several people, please register all participants individually with their first and last name and their own e-mail address - thank you!

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